Writing a Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

Help With Writing a Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great person who did lots of amazing things. His tactics for fighting for racial equality – through the use of non-violent methods inspired by Mahatma Gandhi – serve as inspiration today. Although he gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech nearly 60 years ago, it still resonates […]

April 28, 2020
Macbeth Essay

Tips for Writing a Macbeth Essay

It is fascinating to think that nearly 400 years after Shakespeare’s plays were written, they still remain as relevant as ever when it comes to understanding the human condition. Even in the modern age of iPhones and life-saving medicines, people still find reasons to act greedy, jealous and vengeful. These themes are especially present in […]

April 21, 2020

Tips for Writing a Successful Literacy Narrative Paper

What is a literacy narrative? If you have just started college, the literacy narrative is often one of the first assignments you will receive in your English Lit classes. This type of paper is a fun, entertaining way for writers to discuss memorable and important moments in their lives that have shaped the way you […]

March 24, 2020
The most important facts to create a memorable speech on winter season.

Speech on Winter Season Ideas

Discover the list of the most important facts to create a memorable speech on winter season. The ideas are perfect for high-school and college students. A Few Facts about the Coldest Time All Seasons In some parts of the world, people witness sub-zero temperatures, which results in snow and water freezing. Winds are stronger in […]

February 18, 2020
Personal History Statement

Writing a Personal History Paper: Effective Topic Ideas

A personal history essay is simply a task to write about yourself. But it is not as easy as posting pics on Instagram. To create a killer personal history statement, one needs to know and keep in mind the aims the paper targets. Then, it is required to present only those facts from life that […]

January 21, 2020
Good Leader Essay

What Makes a Good Leader Essay: Expert Tips for Inexperienced Students

Writing an essay, you get an opportunity to reach a particular audience, share your ideas and demonstrate how good you are at researching, making the flow of thoughts logical and convincing, and inspiring others. Learn what makes a good leader essay and use that knowledge for your own benefit. First of all, do not forget […]

November 26, 2019

Detailed Explanation as to How to Write a 200-word Essay

Your instructor might want to ask you to write a 200 word essay just to check how good you are at presenting your thoughts concisely. The clarity of ideas should not suffer from this extraordinary requirement. In terms of length, the final version of the paper will have 3 or 4 paragraphs. Thus, your piece […]

November 19, 2019
What Is an Explanatory Essay?

How to Write an Outstanding Explanatory Essay?

Before you start writing your explanatory essay, you need to study its definition. Below, you will find all necessary information that will help you understand what an explanatory essay is and how to impress your tutor by a well-written piece of writing. The essential feature of the exploratory essay assumes that the writer cannot be […]

October 22, 2019