Depending on your dissertation requirements, you will have to write a separate results section or combine it with your discussion. To avoid any confusions, it is better if you contact your supervisor and clarify what is expected from you. In most cases, the section with results precedes the section with a discussion. However, it is still possible that you will have the same section devoted both to the analysis of results and their discussion.

So, begin your section with a brief introduction. In this paragraph, you will need to tell your readers how you are going to discuss your findings with them. If your study is quantitative, it is better to begin with statistics. Make sure that your statistical data are grouped around your research questions or hypotheses. You should be systematic and structured in your report. This way your readers will develop a better understanding of your topic and question. If you have too many tables or calculations, you can include them as an appendix to the body of your work.


No matter whether your statistical results are positive or negative, you must include them in your paper. Your task is to be objective. Your task is to be truthful and transparent with your readers. Just imagine that you want to create the most objective picture of your study for your readers. You will have to make them realistic about your research. Therefore, do not be too positive. Just share your results the way they are.

Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence. Each topic sentence must contain a new result. Thus, each paragraph of your dissertation section will be devoted to a new portion of your results. This is not the right time to discuss their significance. The results section of your dissertation is for reporting, not discussing your findings. You should give your reader enough opportunity to develop his or her own opinions about your subject.

You may think that you do not have enough results to report in your dissertation. However, this is not a problem at all. You can include some additional information to make this section look more comprehensive. However, do not try to discuss your results here – it is just too early for that.

This section should be well structured and systematized to help the reader follow your logic. Do not try to invent anything. Your task is to report rather than imagine. It is quite possible that this will be the easiest section of your paper. Be ready to discuss it with your supervisor if you have problems.

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