There are numerous web pages with argumentative essay topics posted online. But how can you be sure that your academic work will get a good grade? There is a tiny secret: choose a topic that interests you. So, how do you decide on the theme of your paper?
Using our compilation of argumentative essay topics, choose the one that interests or influences you personally. This way, you will not be bored in the process of collecting data and composing a scholarly paper.
Good argumentative essay examples also show that it is efficient to develop the paper on the topic related to the activity you are keen on. The readers will be involved into your story if it shows you from an unknown perspective: like a baseball player interested in knitting.
We have created a list of the most interesting topics for argumentative essays for you to be able to create a true masterpiece and get an excellent grade. Choosing one topic for your academic paper, you will find many reasonable arguments and prepare an exemplary essay. You can always get help from a professional writer if you feel stuck.
1. How winning the lottery can change the life of a person?
2. Why is the death penalty such a controversial issue in the contemporary society?
3. What is the role of fashion nowadays?
4. Why do so many people decide to be atheists?
5. Pros and cons of gun control.
6. The key reasons to become a member of the fraternity or sorority at the college.
7. What are the possible drawbacks of the democracy?
8. Why living forever is boring?
9. What are the benefits of the highly competitive environment?
10. Should the working mothers have some privileges?
11. Should the government of different countries make the control of refuges stricter?
12. The concept of cultural shock: Why it is so hard to accept the culture of other people?
13. Abortion as an ethical concept.
14. Should the government improve the antiracist policies?
15. Why is the sexual orientation still a burning issue in the contemporary tolerant society?
1. Are people too dependent on the modern technology in the 21st century?
2. Does the Internet slow down the moral development?
3. What impact does the social media have on the human life?
4. E-books vs classic books: Benefits and shortcomings.
5. The phenomenon of Instagram. Why are people becoming more dependent?
6. How can the robots make the human life easier?
7. The reasons for cryptocurrency appearance.
8. How long should we wait before the electronic money will substitute the paper one?
9. Cyberbullying: What areas should be protected?
10. Should the children of elementary schools be prevented from computed games?
11. Does the social media tend to make us lonelier?
12. Should the Internet content be more restricted?
13. The negative consequences of the artificial intelligence development.
14. Are people dependent on the comments in social networks?
1. College education: Pros and cons.
2. Should the membership in fraternity influence the student’s performance?
3. How the college dropouts Bill Gates and Steve Jobs could reach success?
4. If compulsory homework is canceled, will children study at home?
5. What are the essential characteristics of the student-professor relationships?
6. If the child does not like the particular subject, what measures should be taken?
7. Should college authorities be loyal towards the sexual orientation of the students?
8. What are the negative aspects of conformism in the educational environment?
9. What subjects should be optional?
10. How prof-orientation tests help students select a career.
11. Free college education: Advantages and disadvantages.
12. Should college athletes be paid?
13. Should children be taught housekeeping at school?
14. Should children be tested for drugs at school?
15. Is homework an effective instrument to gain knowledge?
1. The benefits and shortcomings of the US healthcare system.
2. Why is the breakfast a must for maintaining good health?
3. Should people have the right to death? Pros and cons of euthanasia.
4. What are the possible benefits of shortening the working day to six hours?
5. Obesity in the United States: Causes and consequences of the problem.
6. Should free mental therapy be provided to the children of school age?
7. What kinds of sports are dangerous to human health?
8. The pros and cons of being vegan.
9. The dangerous consequences of human cloning.
10. The danger of fast food: To eat or not to eat.
11. Should marijuana be legalized?
12. The impact of Obamacare on the US society.
13. How can a good sleep influence the human life?
14. Shopping: Addiction or hobby?
15. Does the lifespan depend on genetics?
1. Should same-gender people have the rights to raise a child?
2. To what extent should be parents involved in the life of their child?
3. Should people undergo some tests before becoming parents?
4. Should parents be punished for their inability to raise up a child?
5. To what extent are parents responsible for the crimes of their children?
6. Should men and women have the same rights in marriage?
7. Is it ethical to read the child’s diary?
8. Should parents allow their children plastic surgery if the latter want to fix the obvious defects?
9. Do parents have the rights to tell their child whom to date with?
10. Should children have the right to decide with whom to stay after divorce?
11. At what age parents can allow their child to try alcohol?
12. Why having more than five children is considered irresponsible?
13. Should children be obliged to help their elderly parents financially?
14. How can parents cope with the drug addiction of their child?
1. How the level of censorship influences the development of art in a certain country?
2. Have the movies of the 21st century become more violent?
3. Why watching TV is the waste of time?
4. Books vs movies: Key advantages and disadvantages.
5. Do the actors playing the murderers and maniacs take some risk?
6. Should parents take their children to the exhibitions with the nude pictures?
7. Do all forms of art deserve to exist?
8. How can books broaden one’s worldview?
9. Do the famous artists have the innate talent or it is the hard work that helped them reach success?
10. Plagiarism: What are the causes and consequences of using the works of other people?
We do hope that choosing one of the interesting topics for argumentative essays mentioned above, you will impress your professor. Indeed, each of them opens a huge field of research and if you want to achieve success, just dedicate some time and efforts to compose your essay.
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