How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay

How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay

Students may be asked to write an enduring issues essay as a part of an exam in history or geography. Still, this may also be one of the regular assignments in the students’ curriculum. The recommendations and strategies provided in this article can help you to successfully complete this task. In addition, enduring issues essay […]

August 27, 2019

Nine Types of Tone in Writing

Your instructor speaks about different tones in writing but you still cannot understand what it really is? In everyday life, you may have noticed that the intonation of the voice changes the meaning of the entire utterance. It inevitably influences the listener. The same can be said about the “intonation” in the written message. It […]

July 23, 2019
What Is an Autobiographical Essay?

How to Write an Autobiography for School

You might think that if you are not a prominent figure, then there is no reason for you to write an autobiography. Nonetheless, it is an erroneous standpoint. Everyone has something unique about themselves and with some practical hints and valuable pieces of advice, you will surely write a gripping autobiographical essay. What Is an […]

June 18, 2019
Manga vs Comics

How Do Manga and American Comics Differ?

Preparing compare and contrast papers is part of college life. This can be a comparison of two books, articles, events or ideas. To help you understand how these works are written, let us discuss the topic of comics vs manga. The former come from the United States and have nearly a century of history. The […]

May 14, 2019
How to Write a Manga Script

How to Write a Manga Script

The one who wants to become a scriptwriter should know how to compose a manga script. In general, the final product is a comic book targeting a Japanese audience. The size of the book is rather small: 5 x 7.5 inches. It differs from American comics in its original style of drawing. All the characters […]

April 16, 2019
Steps for Writing Movie Critique Essay

Tips on How to Write a Movie Critique

The one who wants to get an academic degree has to write all kinds of papers: from traditional essays and research works to lab reports and discussion board posts. Critical film review writing is also not an unusual task. Still, you can rarely find online questions such as: how to critique a film? Learners often […]

March 19, 2019

Selecting a Topic for a Process Analysis Essay

Writing a process analysis essay demands consummate skills. It is necessary to use an analytical approach in order to produce a top-notch work. When preparing such a paper, it is very important to present reliable data. The point is that your piece of writing has to be based on accurate facts and not your personal […]

February 27, 2019

How to Write a Response Paper

The reaction paper is a critical review containing a critical analysis of the analysis and evaluation of a dissertation, a monograph, a scientific article, or any other scientific work. The review is a secondary text, the result of the processing of information contained in the original text. It performs informative and evaluation functions, that is, […]

December 19, 2018